A naked woman frowns as she consults the book in front of her. Her midnight skin gleams in the rich mage light floating from the lantern. The blue light spills down, casting highlights in woman hair and causing her sweat damped skin to glisten faintly. A dark, delicate looking reed, that had seen better days, clutched firmly in her hand.
Dark, mystical symbols, boldly written in a thick sooty ink that smelled like old bog water, formed on the blue and purple tile. Runes traced around the symbols seemed to flow like water, around the edges of the design. They blended in gently with the lines, forming a rather broken pattern. The scratching of the reed on the polished floor seeming rather loud in the silence. Interrupted occasionally by the rustle of cloth from the other two occupants in the room.
Tall and dark with the faint air of power around them. The two males watched the woman work. They seemed comfortable and very relaxed within the confines of the Zau'Afin mages tower. They followed the womans movements lazily with their eyes. Seeming puzzled by her choice of design. "Uh, Za," drawled the male whose skin looked as if it was shadow made flesh. "That, doesn't... look... right." His orange eyes narrowed in concern as he moved closer to the edge of the sketch.
Across from him, the other male made a brief gesture. "Let her finish." His voice calm, but his dark red eyes narrow in suspicion. His gaze lingering on her naked flesh for a moment as if trying to figure out some sort of curious puzzle. A faint gleam of silver glittered, catching his eye as his brother shifted slowly. Silver flecked hair, gleaming in the mage light, tumbled over the dark shadowy skin of his cheek, marred by a large wicked looking scar and spider shaped brand, into his eyes.
Naradril cast his bright red eyes once more on the woman as she casually set the reed aside. Placing smooth, flat rocks at odd intervals within the sketch. She consulted the book several times before she set each rock down then stood abruptly. Her dark full breast bouncing gently with her moments. She seemed to be not exactly ignoring the males as she moved around, setting up the design, but focused on her work.
After the rocks were placed, a large bag of sea salt was selected from a rather large pool of ingredients set aside, seemingly just this purpose. The woman slowly used the sea salt to connect the rocks to the design. It took several hour to complete but once the lines of salt were laid an almost thrumming power seemed to gather within the sketch.
The bardess paused to consult the book again, then picked up a long, thick piece of kelp and tied it on her wrist. She carefully checked over her work. Taking great care to insure that all the lines connected firmly. Once the woman seemed sure everything was in order, she walked over and picked up a small dagger with a heavy, thick pummel. Silver flashed over gleaming black flesh, opening up a thick line of brilliant red on her wrist. The blood ran down her arm in thin rivulets, disappearing as it touched the fibrous plant.
Za'nara sauntered back over to the ingredients. She selected a gleaming silver bowl, inlaid in an exotic design and doted with pearls and small highly polished shells. She carefully placed it in the exact center of the odd design. Then filled it with one of several vials of clear water. After consulting her book one more time, the woman selected two more vials of water. Cleaning a smug of ink off her face and damping her hair with the contents. After bardess seemed satisfied with her appearence she sauntered over to shimmering gown of silk, so cleverly woven that the color seemed to change as it moved. First a brilliant sea green, then the rich jewel toned aquamarine as she wiggled into the stunning fabric seeming pleased. She slowly untied the kelp seemingly swollen with blood at her wrist, carefully setting it into the water within the silver bowl.
The two brother glanced at each other then whirled to face the door as it slammed open. A tall broad shouldered male with ritually scared face took in the scene. He frowned, seeming taken by surprise as the woman, ignoring all other distractions, knelt within the design and chanted a brief phase over and over. After a few moments the gleaming silver began to shine and slowly the water clouded over. The others looked at each other briefly then gathered around, close enough to see the maze slowly forming on the surface of the bowl, but never disturbing the designs inked onto the floor.
Within the bowl a group of drow milled around restlessly. Several prominent, well known figures, both Dabel'kith and Zau'Afin seemed to walking around amidst the group. A gleam of red flashs and the vision seemed to focus on a woman with pale pink hair and the red cloak of Dabel'kith. The woman in the bowl, along with several others, followed Edrik as he moves through the maze. They glide down several passages, searching carefully for something. Finally the group pauses, seeming fustrated with the search. What looks to be a shouting match starts to take place between the drow. As things seem to get intense, the women in the red cloak slips away from the group.
She wanders among several glowing crystals for awhile. Drifting past several passage ways idly as she waits for things to calm down. As she passes by an oddly colored door she stops. She looks around cautiously, then careful slips down the passageway. As she crept along the tunnel, something seems to catch her eye. A large pillar, with two reddish gold amulets gleams. Several large creatures, that seem like normal drow from the waist up, but have the lower bodies of spiders mill about. Arguing over the body of a dead orc. One of them sniffs the air then goes back to defending her kill, clearly not seeing the woman as she tries to quietly get closer.
The woman starts, her hand jumping up to cover her mouth as the spider creatures suddenly dash past her. A dark, commanding warrior stalks down the towards a tall piller and a vicious battle begins. The woman glances back and forth between the battle and the pillar. Quickly, she runs forward, using the distraction to snatch one of the amulets. With trembling hands she throws herself behind a large rock. Crouching quietly in the dark as the battle ends, a hand covering her mouth. A low male rumble of pleasure sounds, then heavy footsteps move back up the tunnel. The woman looks down at the amulet in her hands and quickly pulls it over her head, tucking it under her clothing and slowly slips back into the crowd of drow. No one even seeming to notice her return as Edrik holds his gleaming find aloft for all to see.
The silver bowl falls dark as the door is thrust open again. The woman frowns as the others mummer around her, picking up the bag of salt and tossing it into the water. A low pitched melody rolls over the water, gently enticing bowl to continue show its secrets. After a few moments the bowl glows again. This time the water shows the two amulets together. One amulet is made of pure reddish gold links. Each one is unique and curls around the other to from a chain of kelp, with a green, crystal water lily attached to the end. Runes run up the petals of the water lily, made more prominent as the amulet begins to grow. It increases it size until the other amulet is cast with in its shadow. As though asserting its dominance.