With in the shade of the trees deep in the heart of fox ridge lie the charred silhouette of a man. A man that would look down and smile upon his last markings left upon the world of Toril knowing that his duties be done in the name of the Dark Lady. The outline singed in grass slowly faded over time but his last breathes were not in vain or in disrespect. They were ones of conviction.
Over the coming months a story would spread. About the grinning shadow of fox ridge. A beginning to a myth, a beginning to a folk tale for all things must start from somewhere. Merreck, the man of many masks and faces, the man whom befriended out of secrecy to his cause. A hand for hire? or just someone who had little time to waste. Regardless it will be said that this shadow stalks those who hold pride to far above their head. The silhouette in the shade will forever be there.
///Again a write up for Merrecks perm as per the request of Rbizzle