I'm proud to say we are once again able to take Head Change requests based on the new hak that went in about a month ago. We are also offering one-time-only voice-set changes. Please see below for infor on each.
Head Changes
If you don't like your old character's appearance, this service might help you out.
Thanks to Queen Nothing and to Avarson for initiating this process. Please read carefully. Most of this is verbatim from Avarson's words, but some of it has changed.
Here's how it works:
- Your character must have been created before August 7, 2014.
- You must be switching to one of the new heads available at this photobucket album (graciously provided by Queen Nothing).
- You must pay one lesser token from that character to the DM of your choice, or to me.
- Using the Photobucket Album linked above, please send me a PM with the information listed below. If information is missing, your application will be void, so please be thorough.
Account name:
Character name:
Character race:
Character gender:
Times available (EST or GMT):
Name of DM who took your token:
Head you wish to receive: (EX:) "Drow Male Head 29" (If this is filled out incorrectly, your application will be void. I NEED this information to properly change the head.)
Some notes on this process:
1) You need to be offline during the process, or on a different character than the one being altered.
2) There may be slight coloration issues due to the new heads sometimes having different base texture colors.
3) I will only process your request AFTER removing the lesser token from the character (This requires either me removing the token personally, or having a DM remove it, and then having them message me.)
4) Applications will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis. Please be patient, as I'm slower than Avarson. it may take time but all applications will be processed in time.
If you have any questions, please post them here. Please do not PM me or contact a staff member with questions about this process. Any questions asked in this thread will be answered as quickly as possible.
Voice Changes
The process here is similar to that above. You can have one voice change and it won't cost any tokens. Please send me a PM with:
Account Name:
Character Name:
Voice Set to change TO: (by name or by number)
Once again, these things apply:
- You need to be offline during the process, or on a different character than the one being altered.
- Applications will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis. Please be patient, as I'm slower than Avarson. it may take time but all applications will be processed in time.