[[This was an event run by DM MustangSVT. You may use this thread to follow up any letters to Frae'syn]]
The well know merchant lady that wears a hook hires two of the camp jaluk's to exchange a recipe on her behalf to a powerful wizard in the trade city (Sschindylryn). The two males accept the offer of the jabress and take off along with their slave surfacer to investigate the trade deal.As they arrive in the trade city, they are greeted by the surrounding lake view. They come across a number of various merchants before Jarxan remembers (Jarxan's home city is Sschindylryn) the merchant stall of the locally known wizard. After they meet with him, he introduces himself as Frae'syn and begins negotiations with them over the proposed recipe from the Jabress.
With negotiation from both parties, they agree on a deal where the slave goes to retrieve three needle plants for the wizard. Afterwards, they negotiate further and the wizard grudgingly agrees to give over a ninth circle scroll as well as two sixth circle scrolls in the hopes that the Jabress herself has no need to come pay a visit. Further threats are made by Morf to the jabress' unsatisfaction, which forces the wizard's hand and he begrudgingly agrees to enchant Morf's armor so that it may be used as a compensation to the Jabress.
Morf and Jarxan along with the rothe ((slave)) then depart on good terms as Jarxan leaves word with the wizard for any future jobs. The three scrolls are returned to the Jabress and she is satisfied with the work.
[Depiction of Wizard Frae'syn]
[Depiction of Sschindylryn Lake Fauna]