Anyone feel free to write in this topic anything important that the bouncer would notice and report to Zephyr.
Wythran, leading this war band against the drow, entered the Oak inn with a dozen of his adventuring friends and searched the Oak inn, every inch of every room, under the beds and such. Happened about a month and a half ago.
Ciardha shot and killed Myu Vay Rya in the middle of the inn about a month ago.
A week ago, Celorfin strangely buffed himself fully, then invited Wythran s black archer subordinate, the blond elf mage in black, to kill Thomas Grimm as he was sitting by the campfire. The mage laughed the invitation off as it was but a bad joke. Not long after, Grimm and Livbeth the hin came back to the Oak Inn and accused Celorfin of attempts of murder. None could tell who was telling the truth or not, and Wakefield took an interest in the situation. Reluctant at first, Celorfin cooperated with Wakefield fully.
Six days ago, one man and one woman killed Myu Vay Rya right in the middle of the inn. The attack was swift and painless. None could catch them, both hooded figures were probably monks.
One day ago, Ciardha entered the Oak Inn, shot arrows at Myu Vay Rya. Myu ducked under the counter and Ciardha fled right after. A wooden pantry needs to be repaired.