As I was advised by your adept by the family name of Maybe, I am writing you this letter requesting your response on my request for the proposition of my joining the legion. I will live to serve Bane in the most efficient ways possible. To one of your swordhands, your warrioress, Emma, I have proven that I can best her in combat, and have been commissioned a mercenary service for her at this moment; however, mercenary work for the Zhentarim is not as satisfying as serving the terrible dreadlord whom all fear, respect, and admire the might in which he brings down his wrath, Bane. My ways of wandering, without divine guidance or servitude had blinded me, now I see the true Lord, Bane, and will do his bidding, by spreading his name and all will fear it to touch their lips in vain.
Please respond to me as promptly as possible Captain,