Well I've just popped in 'As you command' which in server-dribberish is A'dos quarth and it comes out as 'Zil dos quarth. So it looks like the only differences are in the less established words. It's also possible that 'zil is listed somewhere as 'as' but the intact phrase a'dos quarth is also canonical.
After that unhelpful intro, I'd say after a few random common phrases it's a reasonably reliable resource. I've certainly spotted a couple of people using variant dribberish and I was only left going 'WTF?' in one instance. Key words seem correct, which is the crux. There's a thread somewhere with about ten or fifteen common phrases that come up and I'd not really expect to use more than that plus the titles (and the twisted web of usstans and ussas and usstas and udosstas and whatnot). As regards the latter - as a rule of thumb 'Uss-' means I, my, me, etc. 'Dos-' is you, your, etc and 'Udos-' is us, our, etc. The precise meaning can usually be taken from context.