*he finds himself in Shadowdale.... disoriented.... drawn there. Some faces bright to him.... more scowl... the Black Fang Mistress beckons him into the Zhent barracks.
Next thing he knows, he is shoo'd out of town... he wanders. More unfriendly faces on the path. One familiar... a welcomed sight until she turns on him. Another lady in chain... another lost chance to figure it out.
Amber lamp lights in an old solid inn... enticing... he steps inside. Empty save for guards. Something he remembers... something about song there. *groans* He picks out the rare bottle of rye spirits from under the bar and sets most of what is left of his coin in the bin.
"Meillthorpe...Meillthorpe... why do they know me?" circles in his head, then he heads out with the bottle.
"Father was right.... this is going to be hard" He contemplates as he blends into shadow.