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 Blue's Research

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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptyWed May 01, 2013 9:13 pm

after dropping his kids off at their house blue is not seen for days in myth drannor he has left word for all the brothers to gather flowers for an upcomming festival the queen is having and leaves instructions that if he isnt returned by then his eldest brother is to represent their house in his place he leave instructions for nraion as well to also watch over the kids and help as he can with the flowers.. after which he spends time with his kids before setting off on an adventure in researching..

blue having spent time with the gnomes in his long absence from myth drannor watched the creation of golems almost in its entirety but sure he had missed some minute details he sets off to visit his old friends the gnomes..

upon arriving there he would speak to many of them each pointing him to the library they have *he chuckles lightly* and when they ask why he simply states "i see the irony that he seen as when demanded from him he took the hard line and told them you want answers go to the library to a few in myth drannor.." ..they would reply "there is no irony you did not demand you simply asked now if you had demanded so we would have simply kicked you out and told you no.." blue would get down on his knees to ruffly the height of the gnome take both her hands in his and simply states that he knows..

unsure as to what he meant by his action she shrugs and chalks it up to his oddness/quirkyness to them and runs off with the gift of his ideas on paper saying "thanks my old friend for your ruff drafts you are right they are simple but many things can be done.." *smiles* as she does and adds "i remember you being alot like us in ways so after tonights feast if i see you not in 1 days time i will send some who look for you will he.." Blue would wave as she ran off and *chuckled as well*

blue then turns to the task at hand saying "i do hope this library is in better shape than it was before we shall see" with that he heads to the library with his notes he jotted down from previous visit.. he walks in and sees that it is much the same so he slears off a table they had set up for him places his stuff there and heads to the feast set for him where they all eat and exchange stories each making the others laugh in which they dubbed him an honorary gnome never quite sure of the extent of their humor he says nothing and just humbely excepts the gesture he is often found speaking in fluent gnome occasional even swapping words in their sentence like they do.. he can be seen happy at times mostly but in the back of his mind it weighs on him such simplisities would be lost and what others things would be lost if the blasted zhents won.. he would visibly shake his head at time trying to not entertain such thoughts and continue on with the festivities at hand..

closer to the nights end he finaly excuses himself politely and heads to bed where he gets much needed rest before starting his research before he does he asks "i dont want to seem rude or ungratefull but would you mind if i organized your library" he would smile and head to bed after recieving a reply..

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Age : 50
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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptyThu May 02, 2013 8:26 am

blue having had a good nights rest heads early to the library before the sun even reaches the sky.. he would find it locked but having a key he lets him self right on in and gets to work he looks around seeing nothing but pile after pile of books just laying around on the floor or in barrels and so on he looks a bit discouraged at first then remembers his old saying "knowledge isnt worth having if it was just easily given.." so he sets off and searches the first pile bringing all the books setting them on his tabel and starts looking thru jotting down anything close to his goal or related to it..
he looks around seeing no real book cases he starts piling them up alphabeticaly in nice neat stacks.. he would spend 2 days doing this before taking a break and wondering around watching his friends build and create and test inventions often hanging to the back incase on the off chance one was to accidently explode..

after a while he would return to his self assigned station and notice one of them had left him assorted fruits couple pieces of bread and some of his own tea he would smile seeing how well they have come to know him so he sits and eats and starts looking thru more piles when he looks up from book adjusting his eyes he notices a book shelf he smiles.. blue walks over shakes it it doesnt move hits on its shelves they do not budge.. he pins a note eye level to a gnome that readstruly masterful craftmanship you are indeed a master crafter and have my thanks signed b.m." a gnome would come in to collect his plate and refill his tea see the note and reply we are indeed and is why we like you being here you notice things others do not well that and you dont ask to be given anything you have not earned" blue would smile and return to his research sifting thru a few more piles now and then he would stand and stretch placing books in the new book case for them before returning to his tabel he would jot down interesting tid bits he finds as they came which wasnt as often as he hoped but still they did come atleast.. he has been reading and studying so long now that they come to check on him seeing the book shelf full and him past out head on his table sleeping.. they would lightly chuckle at him and shut an lock the door leaving him fruits and jug of tea..
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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptyFri May 03, 2013 11:02 am

blue returns to myth drannor for the celebration which allows him some break and time with his kids againas he collects the flowers they have gathered and adds to his own he collected he makes his kids a necklace for his son and a crown for his daughter out of the flowers.. he teaches them how to do this as well..

he keeps his notes tucked away hidden in his pack magicaly as usual.. and continues on to the celebration.. with his family..
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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptySat May 04, 2013 12:36 am

blue stays till the end of the celebration when he notices his kids tired and nodding off he picks them up and takes them home allowing nraion his own time away blue stays till morning..

when morning arrives he feeds his kids plays with them for some time and explains they will visit the coronal at her castle they are each given an orb and taught how to use it with out bringing others along as well as keeping it hidden at all times and tho no one else can use them but them still not allowd to let any one touch it as it may harm those not allowed..

he packs them some clothes some hand made toys his family had made them over time some of their favorite books and snacks.. he then takes them straight to myth drannor proper and walks the rest of the way with them to the coronals house..

as they walk he explains how they should greet proper tho it is understood they are still children so they should do what the coronal says no questions asked unless they feel it is not right they do so.. at which point they should state how they feel and decline politely..

they arrive and he has the guards announce their arrival to the coronal.. while they wait he further instructs them to never leave sight or go anywhere with out guards present and that if allowd he would leave 2 of his house guards with them as well but that the coronals guards are still in charge non the less.. and to also be on their best behaviour as well as not play tricks or pranks or fight over anything not even their toys it is not only polite but kind as well.. that regardless of how if at all they are picked on or teased they are not to react ill twords them but would be ok for them to stand and act calmly against such.. they must show respect to others..

the coronal would arrive in time and greet them and he would speak privately with her and of course guards with in ear shot and explain he would like them to stay with her for a while if she would allow so they can relate to other children present as well as there is no other kids for them to play with at home.. he further warns the coronal about them being hand fulls and loved to be read to sleep and never really have been around other children as of this date.. also if allowed he would instruct the 2 house guards of his that for this time they were to do as the coronal instructed as well as how to contact him should he be needed.. he would as well instruct his kids on how to contact him via their crystals should they wish..

he states to them this is only temporary untill he completes his research and he would take them home soon.. he introduces them to the coronal by name coronal this is my son rhyssen age 8 and my daughter rhiannon age 6.. he kisses them good bye and pats their heads telling them be good and again speaks privately as he walks out to the coronal..

"m'lady i have trusted no one outside our family with them for more than a few minutes and not out of my sights.. i know i need not ask this but i beg you please take good care of them for me they are almost all i have left to live for." *smiles to her tho bit sad* about leaving them for the first time as he is and has never left for long at all..
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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptySat May 04, 2013 3:22 pm

with the reassurance of the coronal blue heads back to the gnomes..

blue reaches the gnomes and heads back to their library where he finds more shelves added and all have been fastened to the walls and ladders added as well.. he stands back and marvels at their work before sitting back down at his tabel with his stuff still there..

he pulls up 3 more piles of old books and starts going thru them he finds a larger refference to the golems after going thru one pile and 2 books into another.. he would stop and read this thoroughly jotting it all down.. having really nothing thus far until now other than faint references he seems excited.. a gnome would walk in to bring him fruits and tea seeing him excited and enquire as to the source.. like a kid blue would point to it saying"i found a refference to what i seek" the gnome shakes his head and smiles "easily excited you are my friend i see" blue would grin an nod to him and continue to read.. blue would make an odd request to the gnome and ask for some tools and some wood or something they think better suited to making test golems miniatures so he could practice after his completes the research and understands it more.. the gnome would nod and go back to his work..

blue would work thru the rest of the pile only finding vague refferences or whispers of a book jotting them down in seperate book with the rest keeping specific mentions on golem craft in his main book.. he would place the piles in the shelves and go back to the 3rd pile which he makes it thru half before finding another specific mentioning and writing it down in his main book.. he would work thru the pile having found nothing more and seems to have hit a dead end in the next 2 piles.. he takes time and goes outside and ask if he could help them with anything.. all he gets is a not till you get thru all the books then come speak to us.. so he walks around watching for a bit before heading back to his research..

he walks in to find some wood and various other items like metals and so on tools.. more fruit and tea which he happily eats and drinks he sits down clears his table of books writing what notes he can on the side and leaves them piled on floor..

he brings up a chunk of wood and pulls out his whittle knife and begins to whittle a set of legs and arms into ruff form.. he would then whittle a body in two seperate sections chest and lower and then carve a tiny head.. he would repeat this once more and make a second set of parts.. then he would go thru each adding what details he could to each pieces.. he would then take tiny but sturdy pieces of metal bending and folding them into a tiny cork screw shape with a roundish loop on top. he would then insert these into the pieces and loop strings thru and tie then in knots acentualy creating a wooden toy golem for his kids and stuffs them in his pack when he has finnished.. he has gotten quite good at making toy items over the years and his kids seem to love them..

he reurns to his research after cleaning off his table and sweeping up the bits of whittled away woods.. he piles up 2 more piles looking around he sees barely any piles left may 4 piles left after these 2.. so he works thru them he would find one or two solid mentions in them last 6 piles and write them down he puts all the books in the shelves and walks out..

the gnomes see this and ask if he found what he sought .. to which blue would shake his head and say "i found some good solid sections explaining bits here and there and a ton of vague almost whisper like mentions and that was it.." the gnomes would look around at each seeming suspicious aware of something blue isnt.. blue would scratch his head saying "i just dont see what im missing here.." he would notice a few gnomes missing and the other gnomes would say "just take a break wonder around looking studying for a bit and then go back to the books and see if you missed something after all if you do not take time to enjoy ones surroundings how ever would you come up with new ideas to tinker with now hmm.." the gnomes would all giggle at this blue would smirk also but walk around..

blue would turn to go get his cup of tea but always be stopped and handed another seemingly unintentionaly keeping him distracted.. he finaly grows tired of walking and heads back to his table.. he would come up to a locked door and try his key and it would break he turns and asks for a patch job on the key the gnomes unable to keep a straight face long bust out laughing saying "no need for a patch we changed the lock on you heres a new key" he would look round all of them laughing hard he would simply grin and say "i wondered how long it would take" he would unlock the door then and it still would not open.. he would look and ask "what did you use tree sap on the edges of the door as well?" they reply with a simple "no, but thanks for the idea" and commit it to memory or jott it down in their research books..

blue would smile shaking his head and ram his shoulder into the door and get it to crack open a bit and repeat till he could get in where he sees more books just crammed into piles all over the floors.. he turns and says after rubbing his shoulder "i see you all been hidding some books on me" they would fall over laughing at him saying "ohh but ofcourse you didnt think we would make it easy on you did you" shakes his head "no i reckon not but i will get even worry yourself not.."they look at each other then bust up laughing all over again as blue returns to his research no having 3 shelves filled and ruffly 6 more shelves empty he sets off to work.
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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptySun May 05, 2013 6:27 pm

blue would start the day just as he has the past few at his table looking thru the books.. research tho tidious must be done before continuing on with the more fun tasks of putting what was learned into practice..

he works his way thru yet another pile of books and then another not finding much in them not even the odd whisper of what he seeks.. he stops and cuts his fruit into little bite size pieces and pours him self some tea he takes a bite and leans back in his chair feet proped up on the table.. he sips his tea and floats another piece to his hand.. he would lightly chuckle thinking to him self such a waste of much but he must stay in practice some how.. he looks at the piles he worked through and floats them into place..

he takes another bite and sip still kicked back in his chair he quirks a brow and mutters and incantation that just popped in his mind for books with the slightest mention of golems or simular to stand on end and make them selves known.. he looks around tho a few books did such and he puts them to the side for study as the last he knows not all books may have stood on end with all the book on them he doesnt chance it..

so he works through his piles day after day whittling them down little by little and puts them away he on occasion pulls one that stood on end into his research marking it down in the appropriate note book..

he would find vague references to making a golem or smithing parts and the like but nothing by itself stands out.. he would also find more noteable references that stand out as missing pieces to his notes already..

by the time he is done this day he looks around and notice a quarter of the books if not half had been gone thru and organized on the shelves..

he would take a much needed long break and go see his kids taking the gifts he made them with him and his notes..

he would show up at the coronals house and kiss an hug his kids and hand them their golem toys he made for them and show them the hidden compartment in the chest he added after making them that would hold what ever they carved out for the toys to hold or accessories they made for them..

by now the two house guards he left he would dismiss back hom to spend time with their family and allow them to stay as well even after he left as he felt they would be safe enough with the coronals and her guards..

he would dine with them tuck them in read them stories and at night he would inquire of the coronal how they had been in his absence as well as hand her toys he made for hers or aurynes kids.. and let her know if they was not needed she could donate them to the ophanage as he has donated other toys he made and a few books..
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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptyMon May 06, 2013 5:29 pm

ts and even a week of more research he has gone thru all their books and notes written down er dayhaving spent a couple days with his children and speaking to the coronal on many occasions as well as showing her his current notes and research. blue would head back to the gnomes and after a week and 3 days of combing thru their books all of them with a fine tooth comb he has written down half a note book of instructions..

he would then go to the gnomes seeking approval of what he found.. they would then nod their approval saying "yep yep, that is the jist of it noe the true work comes" they take him and start teaching him what is not in the books step by step detail by detail and as they did such he took detailed notes in yet another book and thru hands on teaching training he learn the art of golem crafting in intimate details..
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Blue's Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blue's Research   Blue's Research EmptySun Jun 02, 2013 9:02 pm

blue picked up his kids long ago and had returned home with his research and training
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