These persons have committed crimes against the lawful protectors of the Dales, the Zhentarim. All listed persons are marked as outlaws and are free of all protection by the law.
Be warned, allying with these outlaws makes you guilty of the same crimes as they committed.
100,000 coins Karovir Allamander, for being member of a faction which threatens the people of the dales as well as childmurder, abduction and torture
Celovar, for mass murder of citizens or protectors of the dales
Taeron the Uthgard, for mass murder of citizens or protectors of dales
Nadin Moonbolt Starym, for being a high ranking member of a faction which threatens the people of the dales as well as childmurder and abduction
Julia Navarre, for childmurder, treason, resistence and abduction, and an enemy of the Church
90,000 coinsTay'lin Lilthin, for being a high ranking member of a faction which threatens the people of the dales
Grendel Ironhouse, for being a high ranking member of a faction which threatens the people of the dales
Valtore Ironhouse, for being a high ranking member of a faction which threatens the people of the dales
Auryne, for being a high ranking member of a faction which threatens the people of the dales
Paladin Alexander, Murder of a high ranking Zhentarim Official.
Mage Taerynn, Murder of a high ranking Zhentarim Official
75,000 coins Vincent Blake-Aseph, for threatening the nobles or highranking protectors of the dales
Piak Lacerda, for murder of citizens or protectors of
the dalesMara Brisbane, for murder of citizens or protectors of the dales
Garok Marthog, for murder of citizens or protectors of the dales
Wendal Shakypants, wanted for blasphemy against High priests of Shadowdale and beeing a member of a faction which threatens the people of the dales.
Aerendir Inerion, for mayor betrayal of citizens or protectors of the dales
50,000 coinsTohrm, for childmurder, treason, resistence and abduction
25,000 coins Ardylan, for being allied with a outlaw
Zidanja Blake-Aseph, for being allied with a outlaw
Arjay Lo'ran, for being allied with a outlaw
Mylanis, for treason, resistence, attempted murder and beeing a Lyon
20,000 coinsAlice Gregory, attempted murder (
10,000 coins Amaril, for spying for a hostile faction
Mark Lametz For Assaulting the Black Fang
5,000 coins For any member of the
HarpersFor any member of
clan IronhouseFor any known
LyonFor any member of the
Rebels and unlawful rulers of Shadowdale
For any member of the
Defenders of Myth Drannor(((screenshot the kill, then contact a dm about it))