Hey there!
So for more info on the houses, or someone to bounce ideas off:
House Dable'kith has a few active players off the top of my head they are
Max Hatcher - current matron mother
Gandruff - long time Dablelkith and knows alot.
House Teken'Viir (not nobel status yet but on the way) we have a nice mix of players of all classes and levels, players to talk to:
Rickshaw - current Matron
Sporked - Knows her stuff and is very handy when it comes to ideas
shadowcraft - I play the House Item maker and enchanter so hit me up if ya wanna chat.
House Zauafin
in game names:
Mataya Zau'afin - Current house yathrin and leader, very nice person with lots of fun ideas and always happy to help.
Demo'loth Zau'afin - older player who is rather knowledgable and always full of great ideas and help.
House Jearle
this is a none lolthitie house often found on the surface, im not sure who their contact would be, but I can tell you that the jearlels iv encounter are all wonderful folks ooc and always happy to help. Also their keep just go a kick ass new update!