Over the last tenday, Milo had been preparing a transfer of the Banite prisoner out of the Aster prison cells.
The day has been set for the middle of the current tenday.
Any further preparations are on hold, however, as Milo lies incapacitated in Shadowdale's Chauntean temple.
((Going to aim for this Thursday (July 17) for this. Players involved here are spread out across the world so I need to find a good time for everyone to be available. The farthest behind in the day would be me at US Pacific time (-7 GMT). Farthest ahead is Eizendur at +2 GMT. I want to shoot for a time of 5pm GMT again. This will be mid-morning for me, all the way to early evening for Eizendur. If this conflicts with any schedules please let me know so we can find a compromise that works for all!))
((Players needed are: Adaywithoutrain, Eizendur, Perfection, myself, and the three players recruited from the Hounds. Please PM me if this planned day/time works for you.))
((EDIT: Time pushed back to 7pm GMT))