Scribed by Haydrin Halander...
This, the twenty and second day of the month of the Hammer, of the Year of the Cauldron.
Honorable Lord Mourngrym Arncathra, High Seat of the Town and outlying Provinces of Shadowdale.
Two rides ago, I was detained by your town guards for delinquency of tax payment. Having no issue with this charge, as I have never paid taxes, being new to these lands. I served my time without objection within the cells of your guard. However, I have come upon a quandary. I hope you, or one of your esteemed administrative personnel could help me with. It seems the arresting Sergeant at arms, nor many of the guards, know whom to contact for taxation payment. That being the case, I have had a letter penned to the captain of the regular guards, Westscar, of the issue. As of yet I have not received a reply, probably because of honored captain’s many other pressing duties. Having not received an answer, I was hoping you or one of your staff might provide one. I wish to meet with one of the Town Book Keeps to establish how much I owe in taxes to your province, as well as to hopefully provide future payment so that this situation does not occur again. Reply can be left at the Old Skull Inn.
I apologize for troubling you with such a trivial matter, but I have sought an answer to this through other means, to no avail.
May your reign be long and just,
Farran Doth, subject of Cormyr.