*a message is posted directly under this one*
The will of Malla Lloth states that not only is a Yath'sargtlin to bow to the jalilen in power outside of the Yath, he is to obey any and all of their orders that do naut contradict those of the Yath, and even then he must obey those in the secular realm whose authority is higher than the Yath that gave the order. This is naut jargon... it is the will of Malla Lloth.
The Yath seem to be straying from this in favor of the words of a pathetic Jaluk... is this what dos want, Yath? To fall out of favor over some Jaluk?
There are three options, now;
Firstly, enforce dossta will over the Jaluk, and make him act as he should.
Secondly, Banish the Jaluk and place him on the altar.
Thirdly... do neither, and know the result and terror that is brought upon dos is the will of Malla Lloth herself, when her servants defy Her will.