Ilharess Li'Neer-Tyrr is seen placing a poster to the wall beside the auction keeper. The poster reads as follows.
"Usstan will grant a personal bounty of fifty thousand gold coins for the removed head of the rivvil Warpriest of Uthgar known as Taeron.
Were the head to be delivered still attached, and the capturee alive, the bounty will be the double of one hundred thousand gold coins.
In addition to this bounty, any whom capture this cretin, will earn ussa favour, be it jali, jaluk or rothe of any hierarchial status.
Lolth tlu Malla, and a bwael hunt to all readers."
She cackles with a mischievous smirk as she writes and places the poster.
(EDIT:)Another piece of text is added afterwards into the note.
The use of the spell known as Bigby's Forceful Fist will be considered blasphemous and will not qualify for either of the bounties.