Elric asks for permission to speak at the podium from the abbot and says the following to the faithful:
Ours is a faith of purity not unscrutinable ceremonies and dogmas... it is said once a devoted priest of the morninglord met upon a farmer who was praying quite wrong in all senses.. he chastised the farmer and moved on. An avatar of our lord came to him saying "That farmer prayed with all his heart... now he does not pray at all in fear of doing it wrong! You have deprived me of a pure prayer."
A single moment of honest, genuine deep prayer to the morninglord is at the very least equal to the performance of the ceremonies at The Spires Of Morning.
Let us pray with our hearts and souls to our lord
He then finishes with the following litany:
Oh our glorious god! giver of life, remover of all pain and sorrows, bestower of happiness, the creator of new Life, thou art most luminous, exalted and a destroyer of sins. we meditate upon thee. may thou inspire, enlighten and guide our hearts in the right direction.