22 Hammer 1377
A plague has swept through Shadowdale and surrounding lands, the cause is not agreed on, but it appears not be contagious. Vomit and blood is now an common sight in settlements through Dalelands. The majority of the populace is infected. Greater restoration appears to cure the plague but the energy required to cast it and the sheer difficulty of making the potions leaves hundreds still sick.
Symptoms are reported as
Boils on the skin in certain areas.
Puffy eyes and yellow lines down the white of the pupil.
An omnipresent cough
and a feeling of weakness all over the body and joints.
The catchy name
"Death from above" is the most popular term for the disease, while some have called it the "Mauve Death". Young children and the old are the only ones to actually die from the disease, for the majority of others it has become an everpresent irritation for which a cure is still being developed.
During Dark this time Ashen is trying to ease the pain and suffering of those unfortunate innocent souls in Shadowdale. He is not able to cast the spell, but he can offer comfort and maybe ease the pain of some of the victims. He works tirelessly with them..staying with the sick and dieing so no one is alone at the end. He continues, hardly sleeping, from person to person.