To the Zentharim.
i am Richo the druid and senting this to remind you of our agreement of talking about the farmers when the battles are over.
Two days i battled for you oppening paths for your troops and battling the great white wyrm in casstle Crag a thing not so easy even for the best of you.
The only thing i wish in exchange is a chance, for the farmers that recently have lost their farms(not all), to decide themselves their cource of action.
They have two options to come into the town center and work as crafters or join as soldiers to your ranks, or go to the neutral grounds of the so called Morning Lord's farms that have nothing to do with Mythdrannor i assure you, and work there the thing they know all their lives, as farmers, to those that will decide to leave i promise i will escort them personally though the wilds.
So what i wish for you and i think it is not so much, is a public anoucment on behalf of your commanders to those farmers that are still out there at the ruinned farms and those your batalion brought into town, an anoucment that will say to them that they are freet to decide their path from now on, stay here or go to the new farms.
I will not try to convince anyone of them of what to do the decision will be theirs and only theirs i will be just there to support them in whatever they decide.
Richo the Druid.