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 Torture and Dark RP in the Underdark

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DM Defiler

DM Defiler

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Torture and Dark RP in the Underdark Empty
PostSubject: Torture and Dark RP in the Underdark   Torture and Dark RP in the Underdark EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 3:41 pm

Help in explaining the General Rules on Torture and Consent in the Underdark

The Underdark is a harsh, unforgiving and merciless place. Where acts of utter depravity and vileness happen daily by its wholly evil and despicable monstrous inhabitants.

To protect players from things getting a bit out of hard in this setting, or feeling they have too rp out a situation they would rather not I am now helping clarify the situation and the consequences of not abiding by the rule.

What are limits?

Limits are types of roleplay a player does not enjoy rping and would rather not have roleplay out the situation; I categorize them into two types:

Hard Limits:

Are situations that a player does not want their character to go though and would find it upsetting to roleplay out. Examples: Rape, Extreme Torture, Heavy Mutilation, Character Perma Death. Once some one tells you their Hard Limits you will respect them and you will ajust your role play to fit around those limits.

If I catch someone forcing another player to suffer through a Limit of theirs, I will stop the roleplay and take both people to one side and who I find to have been the agressor I will take 5 levels from them, they will then be reported too the Head DMs and they may be tempory banned for a week, should they do it again. Their character will get sucked into the abyss and die, and they will be Banned from the Underdark.

Also, if you cry that someone if forcing you too brake a Hard Limit of yours and it is proven you were attempting to manipulate the situation, I will take away five levels, you will then be reported too the Head DMs and you may be tempory banned for a week, should you do it again. Your character will get sucked into the abyss and die, and you will be Banned from the Underdark.

Soft Limits :

Soft limits are things a player does not want too role play out, but does not mind happening to their character, with these limits the play will be allowed too (Fade to Black) which basicly means they pass out, it happens both players move on. Also even with fade to black, torture and mutlitation and other unpleastent rp situations will have an effect on your character, the effects should not just be thrown off in a day.

If I catch someone forcing another player to suffer through a Limit of theirs, I will stop the roleplay and take both people to one side and who I find to have been the agressor I will take 5 levels from them, they will then be reported too the Head DMs and they may be temporary banned for a week, should they do it again. Their character will get sucked into the abyss and die, and they will be Banned from the Underdark.

Also, if you cry that someone if forcing you too brake a Soft Limit of yours and it is proven you were attempting to manipulate the situation, I will take away five levels, you will then be reported too the Head DMs and you may be tempory banned for a week, should you do it again. Your character will get sucked into the abyss and die, and you will be Banned from the Underdark.

When in doubt, ask the other player in a tell.
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DM Defiler

DM Defiler

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Join date : 2012-05-10
Location : Here, there, everywhere :)

Torture and Dark RP in the Underdark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Torture and Dark RP in the Underdark   Torture and Dark RP in the Underdark EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 4:54 am

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