As some of you may or may not have noticed, I have not been online much of the last 2 weeks.
Due to some personal issues, and levels of daily pain due to what we thought might be Carpel Tunnel and lower back pain. And what may end up being in truth....Fibromyalgia, something that would account for both of those pains and other issues I have been having.
As such, I will be on much less in the days ahead, as I try to sort out things. And as the weather changes to Winter. Weather changes causes MAJOR pain flair ups in me. And as the Starks say... Winter Is Coming. I can feel it even today with only 72 degree weather here.
I apologize to those I am playing with (Mostly the Church of Bane in Shadowdale), Shardek is in the Underdark trying to prove himself worthy of a place in a house, and Maurik is now in Freehold, sorting out his emotions.
I will be online as my pain levels allow, this does not mean I am leaving. Just that I will be on when I can be on. Only that and nothing more. Please do not take this wrong way. I felt I should explain why I have not been about.
I look forward to when the weather calms down again and when we get my meds set right so I can enjoy playing here more often then just once every 2 weeks due to pain. Thank you for reading this.
Raven, player of Lucius, Maurik and Shardek.