*After defeating the black archers with her peers, the Linthar Briz'tana is seen filling a vial of blood from one of the bodies as well as cutting the ears from the fallen enemies. Once returning to the outpost, she heads to the altar and kneels. She pulls out the cloth holding the ears and places each one by one upon the altar. With a wicked grin she pulls out the vial of blood and spills it upon the ears watching as it forms a pool around them on the altar. She removes her dagger with a sinister grin, closing her eyes as she raises her head. Slowly she slices her palms allowing the blood to run down her arms before placing them upon the altar. She takes a deep breath then calls out for all around to hear*
"Usstan give ussta blood as bwael as the blood and body of the detested darthirii to honor dos ussta Queen! LOLTH TLU MALLA!"
*she bows her head remaining silent in prayer before rising and sheathing her dagger. Quietly she turns leaving the offering upon the altar*