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 Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested))

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Posts : 710
Join date : 2014-01-14
Age : 35
Location : Here and there!

Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested)) Empty
PostSubject: Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested))   Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested)) EmptyMon Jan 20, 2014 11:22 am

After a day of traveling around the region, Kendra can be seen writing in her small book by the fire. Odd for her, as she is normally reading from it or marking pages. After writing many pages, she rips out about ten and folds them delicately, then uses wax to seal them. It seems she uses an imprint with a symbol of a single star. She then could be seen going to the merchant inside of the general store. She holds before him a hefty amount of gold and smiles warmly to him.

"Hello there. I wonder if you could do me a favor. I am in need of these letters being delivered to specific cities, with specific locations. It is very important that these get where they need to go. If they get there and I know for sure they do, there will be more gold in it for you. I know you likely trade with outside cities and get shipments from them, so it was only my guess that I could possibly ask you..."

She smiles again and waits for his response.
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Posts : 707
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 42

Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested))   Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested)) EmptyMon Jan 20, 2014 1:38 pm

The merchant explains that while there is trade with other towns it is rarely him that travels - instead there are more or less regular caravans and traveling merchants to and from the other dales.

They are known to carry letters with them on request but since they usually go from caravan to caravan for longer distances both the reliability and time of delivery is rather random.
The merchant offers a schedule of caravans-to-arrive within the next ten days and a few advice on which caravan masters are most reliable - for a price of course..
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Posts : 710
Join date : 2014-01-14
Age : 35
Location : Here and there!

Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested))   Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested)) EmptyMon Jan 20, 2014 2:08 pm

She taps her chin.

"I'm looking for a certain person in particular. His name is Chance. Wore a brimmed hat, feather in it. Told some -lovely- stories. I am trying to get into contact with him. It is rather important and I do believe he would like to hear it. I have coin, of course."

She jingles the bag in her hand.

((PM Forwarded regarding this character and what I am attempting))
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PostSubject: Re: Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested))   Messages Sent By Merchant ((DM Response Requested)) Empty

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