Ilmryll, Dearheart,
We have been through a lot together, and we still had so many plans, so all of this may be a shock to you. I have reason to believe my path lies outside the Dalelands. As we spoke when we first began this journey together, my heart will always be split in two. I can never give all of it, as I must love my Maiden and my faithful. I feel this move, this new path, is the right thing. I hope I'm not wrong, and I hope I don't make it alone. I have reason to believe the doorway to where we are going will remain open for as long as need be.
I hope you will follow, but I understand if you don't. I cannot ask you to abandon everything you know for me. I know it's not fair.
I love you dearheart. This is hard, forgive the briefness of this letter. I am having trouble finding the words. I hope to see you on the other side.